The Importance of Joining Book Clubs

Filed in Asia, Korea, South Korea, writing by on May 17, 2018 • views: 2307

As a writer it’s not only good for you to attend writers groups and workshops but also book club meetings in your area. Typically in a book club meeting, everyone has already read the book or specific part of the book ready to be disused. However, at the Book and Culture Club Hosted by Barry Welsh that I attend, there is always a very large crowd. There is almost always the author on hand to ask questions directly to about their book. Most of the time the book is about Korea or on Korean literature. Book club meetings are not just a great place to network with authors, but also a great place to get ideas for you next book.


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About the Author ()

A global citizen who has spent 40 years traveling mostly through Africa and Asia. To date she has been to 86 countries on 7 continents and currently resides in Okinawa, Japan where she continues to search more off-the-beaten path places with her camera.

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