A Buddhist Ceremony Inside a Barn

Filed in Korea, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan events in South Korea by on May 18, 2018 • views: 1650

Having a Buddhist temple ceremony does not have to be conducted inside a temple. In fact this ceremony was conducted inside a barn on a farm on the outskirts of Pyeongtaek. Why in a barn you might ask? Dhammakitti is a very loved and well-known Sri Lankan Buddhist monk in South Korea. During these ceremonies, everyone holds onto a white string which is then cut and then tied around ones wrist. This string is said to bring protection and blessings. At one of the ceremonies we were even cooked a traditional Sri Lankan meal. This barn is the future site of a traditional Sri Lankan Buddhist temple, the first of its kind in South Korea. This temple will supply the Sri Lankan community with religion services, mediation, Korean language classes, and emergency services. To donate please go here.

Ducks by the Barn

Ducks by the Barn


Offerings of Food and Drink for the Buddha

Offerings of Food and Drink for the Buddha



Dhammakitti Ties a White String around a Participants Wrist


The Ceremony

The Ceremony


<a href=

Pannakitthi and Another Participant Offer the Buddha Refreshments


The Land the Temple will be Built On

The Land the Temple will be Built On


The Ceremony

The Barn





Preparing the Sri Lankan Lunch

Preparing the Sri Lankan Lunch


Monks Getting Served Lunch

Monks Getting Served Lunch


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCqp2B7Nig8?feature=player_detailpage]


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About the Author ()

A global citizen who has spent 40 years traveling mostly through Africa and Asia. To date she has been to 86 countries on 7 continents and currently resides in Okinawa, Japan where she continues to search more off-the-beaten path places with her camera.

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