Do you Hand-Write or Type?

Filed in Book on Sri Lanka by on December 22, 2013 • views: 2545

Sorry for not posting in a while, but I have just returned to Korea from an amazing trip in Sri Lanka to finish my memoir Beautiful Eye.

Today I am curious on how you process your writing. Do you hand-write or type? I sometimes see writers hand-write on notebook paper that they carry around. I personally prefer to type. First of all my hand writing is terrible.  So terrible that even I have trouble reading it.  Secondly, I am a writer on the go so carrying a Samsung T10 tablet everywhere is the most economical for me. I love it because its lightweight and can hold the entire version of Microsoft Office. It makes it so easy for me to edit all of my writings. Please tell me whether you hand-write or type and why.  I am interested in hearing how you write.

Notebook collection

Notebook collection (Photo credit: Dvortygirl)


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About the Author ()

A global citizen who has spent 40 years traveling mostly through Africa and Asia. To date she has been to 86 countries on 7 continents and currently resides in Okinawa, Japan where she continues to search more off-the-beaten path places with her camera.

Comments (10)

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  1. I prefer to hand write. I feel foreign (e.g., American) college students generally prefer to type more than Korean students. In Korea, most exams (e.g., bar exam) are always administered only as hand-write. I heard, for instcnace, California has traditionally administered as type exams (one could choose to hand write but most don’t). they even used type-writers back in the day.

    • Doria says:

      Interesting. Why are you expected to hand-write during the exams? I would be in trouble with my handwriting.

      • I think there could be a couple of reasons. 1) The technology itself would have to be proven and perfect before any use (uploading, timing). I heard it’s not simple as MS Word. 2) The notion of fairness in Korea. People would ask what about kids/students who were not able to buy PCs, and are therefore unaccustomed to the technology/keyboards. Unlike other countries the right to apply for gov’t job is interestingly a “constitutional right.” (e.g., Civil/Foreign Service Exam). People seem to be very sensitive to any little change. Well, these are all my takes… Hehe 🙂

      • Doria says:

        Good point! Thank you for your response.

  2. Hi Doria, Thanks for linking to my article “A Writers Notebook”. I handwrite my notes and research because I like to arrange them in a way that is time consuming on the computer compared to my hand. That being said, I use my laptop to write out my works of fiction.

    • Doria says:

      Hi Darla, how do you arrange your notes exactly? I do everything on the computer partly because my handwriting is so bad.

      • Its hard to describe. If I knew how to attach a picture here I would. I do a lot of bullet points and indenting to break up all the text so my eyes can skim through it faster. I also use different colors… One for basic text, one for things i need to look into further, and another for “thats f***ing brilliant!” Then there are my symbols (a symbol for web content and where to find the link, a symbol for a book and where to find it’s information, a symbol for future blog material). It’s a little OCDish, but I am one of those people who can read something, enjoy it even, and then forget about it the next day. I even have a little journal where I list the books I’ve read, my rating for them and if its part of a series, i list those books as well. I keep it in my purse so that when I’m at a book store I’ll know I already read it lol and whether or not I own it.

      • Doria says:

        Sounds like you are more organized than I am. Maybe you could take a picture of some of your notes and upload them?

      • Maybe I’ll do a blog post titled “OCD and Note-taking: Massive Time Suck or Crazy Genius?” And post pictures of my notes lol

      • Doria says:

        That would be great!

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