Celebrating American Independence Day in Korea

Filed in Asia, Korea, South Korea by on July 10, 2014 • views: 2487

Not always the easiest thing to do or as grand as in America but if you have access to the U.S. military bases or can get someone to sign you on, they are quite fun with traditional activities and food.  This year, I decided to check out Camp Casey’s festivities in Dongducheon since it was the closest venue to where I live now.  Out of my close to 9 years in Korea so far, I found that Camp Casey’s 4th of July event was the best  in terms of variety of games, activities for the kids, food, and entertainment.

B Boy Performance

B Boy Performance

Car show

Car Show



Donkey Rides

Donkey Rides

Percussion Performers

Percussion Performers

Military Vehicles

Military Vehicles

Petting Zoo

Petting Zoo




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About the Author ()

A global citizen who has spent 40 years traveling mostly through Africa and Asia. To date she has been to 86 countries on 7 continents and currently resides in Okinawa, Japan where she continues to search more off-the-beaten path places with her camera.

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