Back in America After 3 Years: Day 1

Filed in Africa, America, USA by on April 2, 2014 • views: 2258

For those of you who do not know, my parents are American and my passport shows I am an American citizen.  I was however born in Bangkok and have lived in Asia almost my entire life.  This is my first time to see my family and be on western soil in 3 years.  I must say, it’s been a bit of a culture shock.  Since I usually write about Asia, this is my first attempt to write about America for the first time.

My husband and I have made it to Dallas, Texas after a 13 hour flight from South Korea.  This was the worst international flight I have probably ever experienced.  The main problem was the inexperienced flight attendants.  The first time they came through the aisles, all of the refreshments fell off their trays and soiled the floor of the aircraft.  No one bothered to clean it up. The last time around, I asked for coffee and had to ask 3 times for cream and sugar.  The TV screens were small and only about 10 different movies were offered.  You often had to wait 20 minutes before the next movie would start.  The best part of this flight was the Starbucks coffee.

I have to say the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport has come a long way.  It’s very impressive with loads of stores, restaurants, and volunteers on stand by who can help you if you get lost.  Immigration is a breeze for American and Canadian citizens.  You go to the self check kiosk, scan your passport, take the print out, show it to the immigration officer, and you are on your way.



Our next stop was to get a sim card for our Korean phones.  Not so easy and very expensive compared to other places in Asia.  They wanted US$34 for a non data plan.  We were advised to go to a real phone store once we arrive in Washington DC where we will be till next week.  Will let you know how this goes.

The next stop was a late lunch/early dinner at a real Mexican restaurant.  Here chowed down one queso, enchiladas, fajitas, and Mexican apple pie.  In a few hours, we will be off to Washington DC.

2014-04-02 06.51.17

Avocado Enchiladas

2014-04-02 07.24.24

Mexican Apple Pie


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About the Author ()

A global citizen who has spent 40 years traveling mostly through Africa and Asia. To date she has been to 86 countries on 7 continents and currently resides in Okinawa, Japan where she continues to search more off-the-beaten path places with her camera.

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