Fireworks Extravaganza in Yeoido Park
Where to View this Fireworks Extravaganza in Yeoido Park
This fireworks extravaganza took place in Seoul along the Han River in the Yeoido Park last night. Most spectators brought picnic blankets so they could enjoy watching the fireworks from the river banks.
Where was the Crowd Control?
Having been the most crowded event I had ever been to in my life, I was quite worried about my safety. There was no crowd control and not enough police officers to even direct traffic effectively. It seemed like everyone in the entire Seoul area was out to watch these fireworks. Hopefully Korea will plan for these events more effectively in the years to come.
Countries Represented
The show lasted an hour and a half and Korea, Canada, Japan, and France were represented. Each country put on a spectacular show with their countries national colors.
Suggestions for Next Year
If you plan to attend next year, I would recommend booking a hotel along the Han River on the evening of the show. This way you don’t have to worry about fighting the crowds to get to and from the event. You could also plan to arrive real early and enjoy what the Yeoido Park has to offer with a picnic. I am not a personal fan of crowds so this event was very overwhelming for me. The show was spectacular, but not worth it with the very large crowds especially if you do not live in Seoul (like myself). Have you ever attended one of these events? What was your experience like?
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Tags: Canada, Crowd control, firework, France, Han River, Japan, Korea, Police officer, Seoul